what can I expect in a session?

All sessions vary based on the modality or modalities that will be used. Before doing any bodywork, we will check in, set an intention for our work, go over your health history & move through a short evaluation. Afterward, we will go over some recommendations for self-care to move forward with. As I work intuitively, I’ll let your body lead the way. The door is always open for feedback as far as pressure, technique, and general comfort. You’ll be prompted to check in with your body in certain moments, I’ll cue your breath for some techniques, and depending on the session, I may offer guided imagery to bring you into a deeper state of rest. For more detailed session info, check the Acuity Scheduling descriptions, email me directly, or hang on tight as I put together greater resources for each modality in blog form!

I’ve never had bodywork / these styles of bodywork before, where should I begin?

Integrated Bodywork is the best choice for those who don’t know where to begin but are interested in multiple modalities. This session can combine several techniques from all of the healing modalities I’ve studied. Each session, no matter what you choose, will be tailored to your needs.

what should I wear?

Whatever you’d like! Intuitive Acupressure & Craniosacral Therapy are modalities where no clothing is removed at all, it’s recommended that the client wear something comfortable enough to rest deeply in. For Integrated Bodywork, Lymphatic Massage & Gua Sha sessions as well as the Prenatal / Postpartum Care Sessions, it’s advised that you dress down to your comfort level & be draped with a sheet. Some clients are most comfortable in yoga pants, shorts, tank tops, sports bras, etc. I am always able to work around clothing to provide quality bodywork. It is truly about your preference and comfort.


Please give prior notice if you are arriving late. Most often, we can adjust the session time as needed, or, if too much time has elapsed, we may have to treat the session as a cancellation and to reschedule.


If cancellation is necessary, please give at least a 24 hour notice. When there is a no-show or cancellation occurs within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, the client is responsible for payment of the entire session. Emergency cancellations are determined with the practitioner’s discretion. If I need to cancel an appointment, I do so with at least 24 hours notice whenever possible. Refunds or rescheduling is done at the practitioner’s discretion.

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more questions? please reach out directly via email: tori@thisisembodywork.com